Wonderful art to see in St Ives

 This being our last day in St Ives meant that we got out early to seize the day. After donning trousers and a fleece for the first time this holiday (the breeze is bracing today!) We walked the short distance to Porthmeor Beach with our flasks of coffee and sat and watched surfers battle and ride the choppy waves. 

It was lovely to drink hot creamy coffee whilst breathing in the sea air, then try to find more art galleries to peruse. 

Since being here we have gone to the Tate (review a couple of posts back) and yesterday to the Barbara Hepworth sculpture garden, where giant beautiful sculptures are dotted amongst flowers. All this art is inspiring and captivating and I wanted to try and see more whilst in the seaside town famous for its art, its artists and its art movements. 

We found ourselves in artists studios, each unique and personal, each messy, beautiful and interesting. We found ourselves in multiple galleries and boutique shops, admiring brushstrokes and colours. We found ourselves in sloop studios where artists of all types sell their work in little studios made of glass. We ventured into a ceramics shop and showcase and finally to our favourite of them all, the Penwith Gallery. This gallery is free to enter, dog friendly and has the most beautiful array of art I've ever seen, including the Tate I must say. The way the art is curated here is wonderful, simple and uncluttered. The art is collected in terms of type or colours and flows perfectly. It is calm and welcoming and relies solely on donations to keep going and so I happily brought a beautiful cotton tote bag which will be put to good use. It even has a wonderful free sculpture garden which I really recommend seeing.

As well as seeing the tourist art attractions in St Ives, it is definitely worth exploring side streets or meandering through seemingly empty passages, there is always another art gallery to find here!

We finished our journey with a stop at a cafe for quince cordial, butterbeans and smoked Mackrel on toast, finished with orange and lemon polenta cake. Delicious. 



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