Books, veggies and a whole lot of love


I hope that whoever reading this is well and has had the best day so far 💘.

I thought I would sit down and scribble tonight as it's nice to regularly write and it's been quite a while... How are you doing?!

The past month or so has been lovely... We went to Devon for a few days with my family. Seeing Toruay, Totnes and Darmouth in beautiful sunshine was so so needed. Being able to walk on the beaches and eat inside cafės just felt so surreal and amazing, we wanted the holiday to go on forever. 

Day to day, we have been trying new vegan/vegetarian recipes including tofu and leafy greens, working and trying to go on gentle walks whenever possible. Whilst everyone is resuming a little more normality thanks to the vaccine, I have to say it has made us feel pretty ill and so as soon as we have felt well we really have been enjoying taking my parents' dog out for strolls, and generally soaking up the English sunshine that has made an appearance. That's not to say we are not grateful to have the opportunity to be vaccinated, however.

It has also been lovely for us both to see a little more of our friends again, whether that be meeting for curries or coffee or simply seeing all their holiday snaps and having a good ol' catch up - It has been fantastic to catch up on paused time. 

I've been really enjoying trying new tea that my parents kindly brought back from a trip to Bath whilst trying to finish the two books that I've got going right now. I'm loving both, although both are totally different and it is a wonderful feeling connecting with characters and generally getting back into the reading swing.

Something I'm proud of this month is how frequently I'm doing daily meditations to combat generalised day to day anxiety (there seems to be no trigger for this except hormones) and I do notice little differences with regular practise which is so rewarding. I'm also happy to be going to bed early these days and enjoying a nicer day the next day because of it. 

I'm also so proud to see friends flourishing and growing after such a tough period and it makes me so happy to see. 

I hope the last month or so has made you grow and smile and I hope your weekend is a great one.

Write soon,

Mol x 


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