
Showing posts from October, 2018

Amazing vegan chocolate and banana milkshake

This is my go to pudding when the sweet tooth beckons. It’s so quick and super chocolatey without being unhealthy in the slightest. To make one large glass  Into a blender pour one cup of almond milk (although any dairy alternative such as oat or coconut would also work a treat), along with one chopped banana, one tsp of raw cacao power, one tsp of organic honey and one table spoon of peanut butter. Blend until smooth and enjoy! Molly x

Yummy breakfast smoothie - Banana and Raspberry

Morning! I hope you’re all really well and toasty warm on this cold October morning. I’ve recently adopted a strict gluten free/ dairy free diet on health grounds and I’m really loving the energy and resilience it’s giving me. I particularly love the recipes of “Deliciously Ella” as mentioned in my previous post that looks a little more into what made me change my diet so drastically for the better. The recipes are so simple and use much of the same staples, but focus on natural and nutritional foods to aid repair and energy. As five weeks have now passed since starting the change, I feel a little more confident in experimenting and so thought I’d share the recipe for a great breakfast smoothie I’m currently drinking. It’s so simple but yummy with only 5 ingredients. Simply add a cup of almond milk (or any dairy alternative to your fancy) to a large chopped banana and a handful of raspberry’s. Add a tea spoon of peanut butter and a table spoon of pure maple syrup for sweetn...

Five free things to do in Stoke - on - Trent

Evening readers, Hope you’re all very well. As I sit here drinking my chamomile tea with honey (yeah, stop laughing I’m not your gran) I want to write and you know, I’m sick of writing about health. There is so much more to life even if it is good to raise awareness. I feel happy at the bit I’ve done. As my home city is Stoke-on -Trent (despite living in a small town on the Staffordshire border for all those technical voices out there) I thought it may be nice to do a post highlighting the free attractions on offer for us stokies. For one, because as a person that’s seen most mates grow up and leave Stoke, seeing it as the city as a spring board for other cities close by such as Birmingham, Manchester or Liverpool,  I feel I owe it to the city that spawned me. I also think it’ll be eye opening for me too (or hopefully). So without further ado, in the words of a famous playwright that had nothing to do with Stoke, here’s my top favourite five in no particular order at all. ...