Ways to stay positive during ‘social distancing’ 😊
Hiya, The world is such a crazy place at the moment and my heart goes out to all the people fighting the horrible coronavirus. My heart especially goes out to all the wonderful doctors/nurses/caregivers looking after the ill, and to all the scientists working hard at finding a vaccination. From the people working in shops to ensure people can still get the essentials, the the Police and Fire Departments that still have to look after our country as usual, people really are heroes. In our street a WhatsApp group has been set up to make sure the vulnerable or those unable to get out are helped and for those that still need to go to work, that they’re updated. In the midst of a lot of worry, there is a lot of love being shown. Whilst it is absolutely essential to self isolate for the sake of others and prevent further strain on the NHS, for those that are now having to self isolate as many of us are, it can be a boring time. With the stress of going on in the world outside, it can be...